Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Learning to Think Critically

   From the author: Despite great strides in our understanding, the average person still does not understand science in the facts or in the practice, and instead fills the void with pseudoscience.
This reflects a worldview that values an emphasis on commonly accepted, traditional lore, and a general disinterest in the role of science and reason in our lives.
Science is perceived by the media, government, and popular conciousness as something that happens to other people.
This is unacceptable. We need to find a way to reach out with reason to the unreasonable, with knowledge to the ignorant, or else we will be unprepared when the moment of crisis finally arrives. There has never been a more important time to value and respect science, technology and reason.
Those who value science can not retreat into their academic towers. We are dependent on popular, political support for this effort, and we will never advance to the next stage without overwhelming public momentum. Outreach is essential, and it can start anywhere, and at any level.
I have a message and a challenge to all viewers. Do something to raise awareness of the role of science in our society, the importance of reason. Take it as a personal responsibility, or no-one will.

Watch the full documentary now (playlist – 2 hours, 18 minutes)


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Utilizing Locations: Wildfire Burnt Bastrop Forest being used for film-making, making the most out of a tragedy

Utilizing Locations: Wildfire Burnt Bastrop Forest being used for film-making, making the most out of a tragedy. 
 On our class meeting on 7/28/2012, a former Bastrop Resident attended, explaining she moved to Austin due to loosing everything to the wildfires in Bastop/Smithville area last Fall 2011, she wants to act in the feature Austin Free Skool is making.  She wants her character to reflect her experience with the wildfires.
I explained how filmmakers were utilizing the burnt forests of Bastrop and surrounding area as locations! 

Together as a class we constructed several scene scenarios for her character in the movie!

Please feel free to involve yourself in any way, shape, or form on Austin Free Skool's feature-length movie! Movie-making is the collaboration of many different people! contact kegmeg@gmail.com for more information

Film-making in the burnt forests of Smithville/Bastrop are: 

Heartless Bastards-Parted Ways Official Video:

the making of Heartless Bastards-Parted Ways Music Video(previous music video):

(these above videos produced by:http://www.thebearmedia.com/)

Courrier-Paper Ghost Official Music Video:

Brainwashed by the Westboro Baptist Church

   We followed the story of the Westboro Baptist Church as families split and children were brainwashed into picketing funerals and bashing homosexuals.

During that time, we interviewed more than a dozen members of the reviled group, including some of the only members not related by blood, the Drains. They welcomed us into their homes and gave us access to 17 years of home video footage. In return, we produced an unbiased look into the lives of one of America's most despised organizations.

Brainwashed by the Westboro Baptist Church (Part 1/2)

Brainwashed by the Westboro Baptist Church (Part 2/2)
